Pastor Mitch Freeman

Appoint a Wicked Man Against Him (Part 1)

Psalm 109
How should we respond to evil? This is the first of two sermons that seek to answer that question by looking at Psalm 109. This is one of several psalms that are called imprecatory psalms. An imprecation is a spoken curse or an appeal to deity to bring down judgment upon someone else. How should we understand such portions of Scripture? And is there any application for us?

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He Gives

Psalm 127
A roof over our heads, security, a job, kids…all of these things are common pursuits for American families. They aren’t bad things. In fact, they’re a good and important part of life. This psalm teaches us that God is the source of all good and he gives us good gifts. Why does God give us good things? The answer to this question can be the difference between idolatry and true worship.

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My Soul Will Be Satisfied

Psalm 63
What do you desire? Often we do not know until we experience trial or loss. In this Psalm we hear from David who had just suffered the loss of his throne. After being chased from Jerusalem by his own son, he poured out his own heart’s desire in a psalm, saying, “O God…my soul thirsts for you.”

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Bless the Lord, O My Soul!

Psalm 103
What causes you to sing? What brings you joy and delight? In this psalm we’ll see how David rejoiced in who God is and what he had done. If we truly understand the love of God, then we cannot help but sing his praises. Furthermore, if we truly understand God’s love, then we cannot help but love his children.

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