Sisters and brothers,
Happy Monday to all! Yesterday, as we worshipped together, we sang about the salvation that is provided for us in Christ Jesus and is “completely done.” From Matthew 19 and the story of the rich young ruler, we thought about how people think they can achieve eternal life if they just find the right “good” thing or things to do. However, we learned they are not even on the right road that leads to eternal life. Most people seem to think if the good they do outweigh the bad, then they can achieve eternal life. But we learned the good we do can never outweigh our rebellion and sinfulness against a perfect, just, holy and righteous God. Why? Because in our very selves we are not good. Therefore, eternal life is not what we do to reach God. Righteousness, goodness is something God must give us. And the wonderful promise of God is this: God will give it to those who believe in Jesus! The rich young ruler let his riches keep him from believing and following Jesus and went away sorrowful. Don’t let anything keep you from receiving and following Jesus. You don’t have to wait for this eternal life to begin. Eternal life begins when you truly believe, receive and follow Jesus Christ. Eternal life is not just never-ending life, but it is the life of knowing and following Jesus. Eternal life, salvation, is what God does for us and is not achieved by doing good things.
The ladies Bible study of Philippians has one more session! Ladies, if you have missed a session or even a few sessions, don’t let that stop you from joining the ladies as they finish this study on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. If you have any questions, contact Carla.
We will be observing the Lord’s Supper this coming Sunday, October 27, 2019 during morning worship.
We will have our annual East Madison Baptist Church Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday evening, November 17 at 6:00 PM. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer listing the things we need for the dinner.
I want to include a link this week to a wonderful song my friend Leo Endel introduced me to in his weekly newsletter. May it encourage you, as it did me, as you watch it and realize Jesus is worthy.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church