Happy Monday, June 7, 2021, church!

Sisters and brothers,

Happy Monday to all! Yesterday was a wonderful day of worship and fellowship with God’s family at East Madison. Yesterday morning, Pete, David, and Annette led us in worship of our great King and Redeemer. Then, from John 10, we looked at Jesus the Good Shepherd, who gives life. The Good Shepherd brings protection. The Good Shepherd offers to us eternal and abundant life. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for us and then takes His life back up again. The life Jesus offers is not meant to be “just enough to get by.” Jesus offers us eternal life, the very life of God, full and overflowing. The life of following Jesus is the best life you can have. Jesus offers it to you today if you will hear His voice and receive Him. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, gives overflowing life to any and all who trust in Him.

We then topped a good morning off with a good evening. Last night, we had a great time at our picnic. Dave Germann and Lee Gander led in a wonderful concert and singalong. God’s people also got to hang out with each other in a way that has not been possible for a long time. It was great to talk to many of you and hear more of how God has lovingly drawn you to Himself and worked in your lives. I had a great time and I think many of you did also. We will do this kind of get-together again soon!

If you are interested in caring for some of the plants and greenery on our church property, let me know. We probably need a small team that could share this responsibility.

Remember to fill up your baby bottles for CareNet. I know we already have had three bottles turned in and taken to CareNet. We will conclude this special offering for this great ministry on Father’s Day, June 20.

Remember to keep praying continually for each other.

Love being your pastor,

Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church