Brothers and sisters,
Happy Monday to all! Yesterday as we began the observance of Advent, we focused on the theme of hope. We have hope because the Redeemer and Savior that was promised to us has come and redeemed us, and we have hope knowing He will come again. Then we looked at the family tree of Jesus from Matthew 1. We learned from that passage we have hope because God always keep His promises. We can make promises and might not have the power to fulfill them. But nothing can stop Almighty God from fulfilling His every promises! Every single one will be fulfilled! Therefore, we all can have a future filled with hope no matter how big of a mess we might have made of our lives. We saw as we looked at that family tree that God fulfilled His promise to Abraham to bless the world through Abraham and God fulfilled His promise to David that his descendant, who is Jesus, would reign forever. We also saw God is fulfilling His promise that all nations, all people groups, and all races will worship him. God also fulfills His promise of grace and forgiveness working in all kinds of people. And God will fulfill His future promise to us that Jesus will come again bodily and physically, and every eye will see Him. Jesus will completely destroy evil and rule and reign forever. God promises any person today, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Hope belongs to us because God always fulfills every promise He makes.
Ladies, plan to bring your pipes, and your friends and family, to raise a joyful noise with the Overture Concert Organ this Saturday, December 7, at 11:00 AM. The ladies will meet at the church building at 10:00 AM and leave for the concert no later than 10:15 AM. Always a fan favorite, the Carol Sing will get everyone in the mood for Christmas. This event is free and open to the public. The event takes place in Overture Hall and lasts 45 minutes to one hour. After the carol sing, the ladies will enjoy lunch together at Monty’s Blue-Plate Diner.
We will have an all-church Christmas party on Friday, December 13, at 6:00 PM. We will gather at the church building and then carpool to Connie Boss’ apartment building in Sun Prairie to carol. After we carol, we will then come back to the church building for snacks and games.
Remember to keep praying continually for each other. None of us know fully the burdens our brothers and sisters in Christ might be carrying.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church