Happy Monday, April 1, 2019 church!

Brothers and sisters,

Happy Monday to all.  Even though we have joy always in the Lord, this Monday is not as happy for us as most.  Our beloved sister Peggy Blum went to be with Jesus on Saturday.    We will miss her tremendously.  We will all be short of a hug on Sunday.  However, we know she is happier than she has ever been, living now in the presence of Jesus, the One who gave His life so she might live with Him forever.  She loved Jesus and she is in His presence.  Even as I reminded her of her love for Jesus and His love for her last Thursday evening, she reminded me that no one could love her like Jesus loves her. No one can love any of us like Jesus loves us. Peggy lived and continues to live in His love.  We grieve here but rejoice that she is with Him forever.    We will celebrate her life here at the East Madison building at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, April 3. 

Yesterday, we thought about Jesus’ Last Supper and our continuing celebration of that when we share in the Lord’s Supper.  The Supper symbolizes Jesus giving of His body and shedding His blood so we could be justly forgiven.  We are part of the new covenant that the shed blood of Jesus inaugurated. Every time we take the Supper, we are reminded that we are in Jesus and He is in us.  Each of us is a part of His body and, because of that, we who believe in Jesus are a part of one  another.  Faith in Jesus makes us part of His body and united to one another.

Remember that we will be having a Good Friday service on April 19th at the East Madison building at 7:00 PM in conjunction with Sovereign Joy Church.  Also remember that we will have our annual Easter Breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 21 at 9:30 AM.   There is a sign-up sheet for the needed food items for the Easter Breakfast in the foyer.

Love being your pastor! 

Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church