Brothers and sisters,
Happy Monday to all! As we worshipped together, we adored and praised our great God. He alone is God and there is none other in all the universe who deserves our praise. Then from James 3, we saw the power of our words. Our tongues, our words, without the help of God’s Spirit, can bring great ruin and destruction. Our words can be extremely hypocritical. But there is an answer for us to have words of life and encouragement. It is Christ in us. It is daily being filled with God’s Holy Spirit and filling ourselves continually with God’s Word. Our words and speech are powerful. They do not have to be destructive or hypocritical. Within ourselves, we will never be able to be consistent in our words. But, by the power of Jesus who lives in every believer, our speech can be affirming, encouraging, and life giving. We can keep the pesky little tongue under control through Jesus’ power in us. The words of believers controlled by God’s Spirit bring praise to God and encouragement and strength to others.
Please keep praying for Kathy McElmurry as she recovers from her stroke. Kathy is now in a rehab center close to her home in Aberdeen, SD.
Remember to keep praying continually for each other.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church