Sisters and brothers,
Happy Monday to all! Yesterday as we worshiped from reading God’s Word from Isaiah 25-26, we sang about the more than 10,000 reason we have to praise our great God. We looked at Jesus’ final public sermon from John 12 and learned that accepting Jesus and His Words provide the only avenue to know the truth of God and eternal life. We learned exposure to God’s truth in Jesus without embracing Jesus as truth ultimately will blind you to truth. We learned intellectual acceptance to God’s truth in Jesus without embracing and confessing Jesus as truth keeps you living in fear. We considered rejection of Jesus as God’s truth means rejection of the true and living God. Finally, we saw this great good news, that embracing Jesus as God’s Truth provides forever fellowship with the eternal triune God of the universe. We learned that anyone who will, can believe in Jesus and receive His promise of eternal life.
Congratulations to Michael Manders and Dave and Sue Germann on the recent births of their grandsons!
Put Sunday, August 29, on your calendar. We will be having a church-wide fellowship on that day. It is likely we will be having another Sunday evening picnic at 6:00 PM. Details will come later.
Remember to keep praying continually for each other.
Love being your pastor,
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church