Sisters and brothers,
Happy Monday to all! It was good to worship with those of you who could attend physically and those who worshipped with us virtually because we had to meet inside. Even though we were not all physically together, we worshipped together as the body of Christ united in Him. We worshipped our Almighty Maker and gloried in the name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We looked at dealing with our real guilt before Holy God from Hebrews 10. We learned that religious ritual and repetition never provide forgiveness or a cleansed conscience. Christ Jesus’ offering of Himself on the cross, which was fully accepted by God the Father, provides complete forgiveness and a cleansed conscience. We are set free to know, love and serve God! Jesus’ offering of Himself provides all who believe with new hearts and minds. Christ Jesus once for all by the offering of Himself on the cross sets apart all who will believe to love and serve God forever. Yes, forgiveness and new life is possible in Jesus. Do not live in unforgiveness and guilt any longer. Give your life to Christ today if you have never received Him. If you know Him today, live in the complete forgiveness that belongs to you as you belong to Him.
We will observe the Lord’s Supper during our morning worship next Sunday, October 11, 2020. If the weather is good, we will meet outside.
Please join me in praying for our city, state, and nation during these difficult days. God’s people need to intensely seek His help, His justice, His mercy, and His peace in these times.
Remember to keep praying continually for each other.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church