Brothers and sisters,
Happy Christmas week to all! When we worshipped, we thought about the truth that salvation was in a person. Salvation is found only in Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully God who became fully man to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. Those who saw Jesus saw salvation. Joseph, Mary and the shepherds saw salvation when they saw Jesus in the manger. Simeon saw and held salvation when he was led by the Holy Spirit to the temple when Jesus was being dedicated as a firstborn Israelite. The wise men saw salvation when they came to the house in Bethlehem where the toddler Jesus and his family were living, and they fell and worshipped the toddler Jesus. John the Baptist saw salvation when he saw coming toward him Jesus, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The thief on the cross saw salvation as he saw the One dying beside him who could remember him when Jesus came into His kingdom. And we who have believed without seeing in Jesus will one day see face to face the Jesus whom we have trusted our lives to and the One who saved us and made us His children! We yearn for that day!
Join the East Madison family for a wonderful time of worship on Christmas Eve at 5:00 PM on December 24.
I want to remind you we will not have Sunday School on December 29. Worship begins at 10:30 AM.
We are taking up the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions through the end of the month.
Merry Christmas! Remember Jesus is the reason for the season! Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church