June 2016

Happy Monday, June 20, church!

Brothers and sisters,
Happy Monday! I pray your day is going well.

I hope yesterday’s message reminded us that people are important to God. God cares when people are hurting, lonely, needy and unhealthy. He came to save and help people. Just as people are important to God, so should they be to us. When they weep, we need to learn to weep with them. I pray His mercy and love for others would be flowing like a mighty river through us.

I forgot to publicly wish all the fathers out there a “Happy Father’s Day” yesterday. I hope it was a great day for all you men. Other than loving God supremely, there is no responsibility more important for men with families than the responsibility of loving their wives as Christ loves His church and raising their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Have a great week!

Happy Monday, June 20, church! Read More »

Happy Monday, June 6, church!

Brothers and sisters,

I pray your day is going well. We had a wonderful day of worship and fellowship yesterday. Remembering the high price paid for our forgiveness as we took the Lord’s Supper together, celebrating the graduations of Grace, Myra and Nathan, and adoring our great God was a great way to start a week!

I hope the message was encouraging. Risking all we are and have for Jesus is a risk worth taking! We are called to be people of courage and not people who play life safe. We are called to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. We are called to lose our lives to Him and thus find real, eternal and abundant life. This doesn’t have to done in spectacular ways, but done daily in small ways as we follow Jesus.

Remember to be praying for the opportunity we have as the Let’s Eat Out food truck come to our property beginning a week from tomorrow, June 14. They will be here from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM on Tuesday evenings for eight weeks. I shared with a lady in our neighborhood this morning and also with a girl who cut my hair last week who grew up in our neighborhood about the Let’s Eat Out food trucks. Both responded positively when I shared this with them. Bring a blanket and some lawn chairs, buy some food and eat, and meet some of those who will be here. Ask God to give you opportunities to bring glory to Him and share His love through this.

Have a great week!

Love being your pastor,


Happy Monday, June 6, church! Read More »