
God’s Warnings: Danger and Security

Hebrews 5:11-6:12
This section of Hebrews has likely challenged people from the very beginning. It speaks of dire peril for professing
believers, and raises the terror of falling away from the faith that saves. We’ll look at the passage, in an attempt to hear what it says to us about apostasy and faith, and how to respond to the very challenges it raises, as we see the role of God’s own warnings in the lives of believers.

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Those Who Have Once Been Enlightened

Hebrews 6:1-12
The writer describes two spiritual conditions, neither of which are desirable. The first is spiritual immaturity. The second is rejecting the gospel of Christ. In this passage, we read of a severe warning to the church who is in the former group. Unless you move on towards Christian maturity, you are walking on a thin line that one day may lead to rejecting Christ. We explore this warning, trying to answer several questions that it raises.

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We Have a Great High Priest

Hebrews 4:14-5:10
We don’t talk much about priests offering sacrifices these days. That seems outdated at best, and even barbaric to some. But Scripture teaches us that we need a priest and a sacrifice. Jesus is both. He is both the high priest who intercedes before God on our behalf and the sacrifice that was offered to atone for our sin.

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The Theme of Rest

Hebrews 3:7-4:11
While the theme of rest is central to this passage in Hebrews, it is by no means a new innovation of the writer, nor is it confined to this text. In fact, the idea of rest is one of the themes that appears in creation, arises again in the fall, and continues through the subsequent strands of redemption, all the way to its fulfillment in the consummation of the age. This section of Hebrews expounds on the subject of rest, taking us through all four of these phases, and pointing us to eternity, where those who trust in Christ will receive the fullness of the glory of the rest purchased by Christ on our behalf.

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That None of You May Be Hardened

Hebrews 3:12-14
We are easily tempted by sin. And if left unchecked, sin will lead us away from God. Hebrews 3 gives us a deterrent to sin, unbelief, and disobedience. It tells us to “exhort one another.” Faith-building relationships are key to battling sin in our own lives.

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Hold Our Original Confidence Firm to the End

Hebrews 3:6-4:2
In the Old Testament, God’s people saw him do great and mighty works, yet many failed to trust him. The writer of Hebrews uses their example to emphasize our own need to trust him to the end. Jesus himself said, “the one who endures to the end will be saved” (Matt. 10:22; 24:13). Why must faith persevere? This passage answers the question for us.

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For Us and For Our Salvation

Hebrews 2:9-3:1
The writer of Hebrews has been taking pains to expound the supremacy of Christ, and will continue to do so as the overarching theme to his letter. At this point, the question needs to be addressed: if Christ is supreme in every way, why did he undergo such a supreme humiliation, taking on flesh specifically to die? This passage explains, in dense, rich, multifaceted language, why Jesus took on flesh, leading us to consider why such a thing was necessary to accomplish the gracious purpose of God.

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