Brothers and sisters,
Happy Monday to all! Yesterday, it was wonderful to be with God’s family singing about the more than 10,000 reason we have to praise our great God. Being with God’s people and worshipping Him together is such a blessing. I am grateful to God for parents who knew being with the people of God week by week was important to them and to the raising of their children. I believe that regular worship with the family of God is essential. It is essential for our continued growth as believers, and it is essential in the lives of our children and grandchildren if they are going to be saved and become disciples of Jesus. I am not talking about parents who come to church and then do not live for the Lord the rest of the week, as has happened to some. I am talking about believers who know they cannot walk with God apart from vital connection and regular participation with the family of God.
Then from looking at 2 Corinthians 4 and 5, we saw that Paul listed some of the struggles he has gone through to serve Jesus and how he faced those struggles. Paul’s struggles were being looked down upon by many connected to the church at Corinth. They had the wrong idea that a true apostle would not have these continual struggles. They did not see the life of the followers of Jesus as denying themselves, taking up their crosses and following Jesus. Paul had to help them see the struggles he faced, and the struggles faithful followers of Jesus will face, in the light of the glorious future God has for them. Paul’s struggles were intense and grew more intense. Paul wanted them to see the difficulties and struggles of a life lived in faithfulness to Christ as a reflection of God’s call on every life. As we looked at Paul’s struggles and our struggles in light of eternity, we saw from this passage that the ultimate home of every believer is with Jesus. Home is where we are with those we love. Our ultimate home then is being with Jesus in heaven, whom we seek to supremely love because He first loved us. Believers need to look to our glorious future knowing our struggles and afflictions in this life produce a glorious eternity. We know our mortal and decaying bodies will give way to immortal and incorruptible bodies. Believers look in certain faith to their glorious eternal home with Christ.We look forward to going “home where we belong.”
Remember to keep praying continually for each other. None of us know fully the burdens our brothers and sisters in Christ might be carrying.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church