Happy Tuesday, May 30, 2023, church!
Brothers and sisters,
Happy Tuesday to all! Pray you had a wonderful holiday weekend. Sunday, we worshipped by singing and thinking about the Father’s deep love for us. Then from Mark 4, we look at the parables in that chapter and what they teach us about ourselves and the total triumph of the Kingdom of God. We asked ourselves if we are receptive and open to whatever God would want to teach us. What kind of soil is my life? Is it soil that will reject or receive the Word of the God? We asked ourselves if our eyes are open or closed today to Jesus and His gospel. Are we hard soil, rocky and shallow soil, or weed-invested soil that does not truly receive God’s truth presented to us and is fruitless? Or are we good soil prepared to receive God’s truth that will produce much eternal fruit? Are we ready and able to receive more and more of God’s truth? Or are we so overwhelmed by the bad news all around us that we fail to see the triumph and total victory of the Kingdom of God? Do we live in that triumph today? God continually teaches His people who are ready to hear more and more truth. Will we hear the good news of Jesus and personally believe and receive Jesus into our lives? Are we, as one who is already a believer, ready to receive whatever truth God has for us to receive?
Between Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day, we are talking up the Baby Bottle offering to support the CareNet Pregnancy Center. If you haven’t already, take a baby bottle and bring it back on Fathers’ Day to support this wonderful ministry. If you write a check, remember to make it out to CareNet. We take the filled baby bottles directly to them.
Remember to keep praying continually for each other. None of us know fully the burdens our brothers and sisters in Christ might be carrying.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church
Happy Tuesday, May 30, 2023, church! Read More »