Happy Monday August 15, church!
Brothers and sisters,
Happy Monday! I hope your week has gotten off to a good start. My week has stated well. I met this morning with some leaders of Kennedy School and others from the community to see how we might partner with Kennedy to impact our community. I am excited about the possibilities.
It was wonderful to worship with all of you and celebrate the Lord’s Supper yesterday. We were reminded of the high price Jesus paid for our salvation. We were encouraged to hear well His Word and seek to be doers of His word. The Word of God deeply implanted in us will continually change us. If you could not be here, we missed you! Remember, you can hear the message at embclife.org if you missed it and would like to hear it.
I want to thank Damon, Megan, and Cheryl for conducting the youth lock-in. I heard from many that they had a wonderful time. Thank you, youth leaders, for investing in eternity by investing in these young people.
I want to thank all of you for supporting the “Let’s Eat Out” that was held on our property this summer. You came and met people and spent time with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Hopefully, we can have more and more community events on this property as we seek to be salt and light in East Madison.
Have a great week! Below is some information and some prayer requests for missionaries we support.
Love being your pastor!
Happy Monday August 15, church! Read More »