Happy Monday, December 17, 2018 church!
Sisters and brothers,
Happy Monday to all! Yesterday we continued to think about the first coming of the Lord Jesus to earth. Maria and Savannah reminded us of the loving kindness of our God through the advent reading. The worship team lead us in singing of the coming of Emmanuel, God with us. Then Luke’s account of the coming of the angel to Mary reminded us that the story of Christmas forever remains the story of the greatness of the only One providing salvation to the world, Jesus Christ. We looked at the truth that Jesus was great inherently, in and of Himself. His greatness is unqualified. Jesus greatness manifested itself to us in that Jesus was given the greatest name, the name alone through which we can be saved. Jesus greatness was manifested itself in that He has the greatest Father. Jesus alone is the eternal Son of God. Jesus greatness has manifested itself in that He has the greatest throne, heritage and reign. Jesus will reign on the throne of David and His reign will last forever! Jesus greatness manifested itself in that He has the greatest conception and birth. Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin! His conception and birth were totally unique. No other conception and birth had ever happened like the conception and birth of Jesus before that time and nothing like it will ever happen again. Those who deny the virgin birth deny the incarnation, that God became man in Jesus! They deny Jesus is eternally God the Son. They deny the very gospel itself. Christmas is about the greatness of Jesus Christ. Don’t reduce Christmas to merely presents and family and food. Don’t even reduce it to the birth of a child, or the birth of someone who made a huge impact on the world. Remember Christmas is about the Great One of the universe, the very Son of God Himself becoming Emmanuel, God with us, to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. Jesus came to save us from our sin!
I am looking forward to Sunday as we celebrate the 4th Sunday of advent and then to our Christmas Eve service next Monday evening at 5:00 PM. There is always something special about worshipping Jesus with His children on Christmas Eve. Invite someone important to you to worship with us on these days.
We need someone to volunteer for childcare during worship next Sunday, December 23 and on December 30. Let me know if you can help. We will not provide childcare for our Christmas Eve service. We want even the little ones to be with their families.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church
Happy Monday, December 17, 2018 church! Read More »