Happy Monday, June 22, 2020 church!
Sisters and brothers,
Happy Monday to all! Yesterday on Father’s Day, we had a wonderful service worshipping our great God and thinking about how to be the fathers God would have us be. The importance of a godly father in someone’s life cannot be overestimated. The Bible teaches that a child is truly disadvantaged when Dad, for whatever reason, is not around. In fact, fatherlessness is seen a one of life’s greatest misfortune by Almighty God. It is such a great misfortune that children who are without fathers hold a special place in the heart of God. We learned some characteristics of a godly father. Godly fathers are faithful. They seek first God’s Kingdom and make Jesus’ church a priority. Godly fathers are available. They spend much time with their children. Godly father are tough and tender teachers. They know God has entrusted them with teaching their children the ways and Word of God. They know they are not to be their children’s best buddy, but their dad who is tough when he need to be tough and lay down the law, but also tender when his children have been crushed emotionally and need dad to show them love. Godly fathers are hopelessly in love with their wives, and their children find security in knowing their parents are committed to each other until death parts them. Godly fathers are emotionally involved with their children. And finally, Godly fathers are repentant. They acknowledge and turn from their sins and receive God’s forgiveness provided through Jesus. They willingly admit to their children and their spouse when they blow it. They understand God will move heaven and earth to help the man who turns from his sin. They see God’s grace and mercy override their mistakes. They are fathers who pattern their lives after our perfect Heavenly Father.
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Next Sunday morning, June 28, we will begin our worship service at a new time. WE WILL BEGIN AT 9:00 AM IN THE PARKING LOT. We hope this helps us be a little cooler.
I want to thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the Lord. We provide an offering box for you to deposit your offerings when we meet in the parking lot. You can mail offering checks to the church address at the Milwaukee Street address below. Also, you can give your offerings online at the embclife.org website by clicking the “Give Online” tab on the homepage or you can click this link directly: https://give.idonate.com/east-madison-baptist-church/give
Remember to keep praying continually for each other.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church
Happy Monday, June 22, 2020 church! Read More »