Sisters and brothers,
Happy Monday to all! Yesterday, the worship team taught us a great new song called “My Worth is Not in What I Own,’ by Keith and Kristen Getty and Graham A. Kendrick. Here is a link to Fernando Ortega’s rendition that Pete mentioned yesterday: Then from 2 Corinthians 5, we looked at the beautiful reconciliation that God initiated and gives it to us. 2 Corinthians 5:21 teaches us this wonderful truth that, “For our sake (God) made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Those who will believe are reconciled to God through Jesus’ substitutionary death and His victorious resurrection! Now those who believe are compelled by the love of Christ to take the message of God’s reconciliation to our world.Our call from God is to proclaim to an alienated world that God has reconciled the world to Himself through Christ Jesus. We saw a picture of that kind of reconciliation when Mary Johnson invited Oshea Israel, the man who killed her son, to be her neighbor. Our sin killed the Son of God on the cross. And now God the Father, because of the sacrifice of the Son, invites us to be his forever neighbors and live with Him. Will each of us respond to God’s reconciliation by believing in Jesus and then living for Him?
Remember to keep praying continually for each other. None of us know fully the burdens our brothers and sisters in Christ might be carrying.
Love being your pastor!
Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church